Nice to meet you is the global plagiarism detection service provider, serving clients from more than 90 countries worldwide. Our company is focused on providing text-related services, specifically related to similarity detection and plagiarism check. develops its technology from a multilingual perspective, which allows us to provide dedicated plagiarism detection services for clients in the USA, UK, France, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, and other countries. was established in 2011. It is owned by LLC Lingua intellegens and located in the marvelous central European city of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania.
The company is constantly investing in the creation of new text technologies and improving upon preexisting ones. We are proud to present to you the world’s first truly multilingual plagiarism detection tool, which we created while working in a multinational environment. partners with university clients in order to continually create and improve their text and plagiarism tools and services. If you have any questions or partnership proposals, please fill out the contact form below.