Plagiarism Control Is Being Executed At Most Of the Schools
As your students pack up your belongings and head off to your chosen institutions of higher learning, you already know that you’ll have years of reading ahead of you. So you may have already decided to skip the reading from other sources, namely the memos and handbooks that these institutions will be sending to you. You may want to take the time to become familiar with these missives, however. Not just because it’s part of what you’re paying for, but because it turns out that these schools take them quite seriously. Including their stated policies on plagiarism and the plagiarism control.
How Big Of A Problem Is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is a problem of global proportions. Despite the plagiarism control tools are implemented in the United States, various studies indicate that roughly 60% of all high school students and college undergraduates “borrow” at least quotations or small passages of text from other authors without credit. The number falls somewhat for graduate students, but a disturbing 40% of them are claiming credit for work not their own. A study surveying international college students indicated that fully 80% had “cheated” (and the term includes plagiarism) at least once during their academic career.
Certainly, Australia is no stranger to plagiarism. Between the Andrew Slattery poetry scandal and a university study that indicates plagiarism by medical students and academics alike, it’s been in the news frequently over the last few years. And that’s only the known cases. Some experts are now speculating that plagiarism is up by as much as 50% at some Australian institutes of higher learning. That is why plagiarism control is one of the major issues for educational institutions?
Is Plagiarism A Problem That Can Be Controlled?
So why take chances with your work with and similar programs on the job? Protect your work, cite your sources, take footnotes, and remember that as in life, nothing copied from the Internet is ever free.
Plagiarists fall into two groups. Those who claim they “innocently” used another’s work without credit, and those who deliberately “sample” work, hoping that no one will bother to or can even determine the work’s origins. Whether these individuals mean to be intentional plagiarists or not, in the past it was often impossible to check sources, especially if they were online. But now instructors and administrators have Our detection service has an algorithm capable of searching text in over a trillion documents in both webs and printed versions.’s technology saves time and money and makes it harder for students to claim that they didn’t notice that their work was the property of someone else.
Why Plagiarism Is A Student Problem
Plagiarism is not treated with a wrist slap in Australia – plagiarism control there is also real.
Depending on the intent, students could be looking at punishments
ranging from failing classes to expulsion from an institution. So why take chances with
your work with and similar programs on the job? Protect your work, cite your
sources, take footnotes, and remember that as in life, nothing copied from the Internet is ever